R.I.P. Kurt Cobain
R.I.P. Layne Staley
Musician - multi-instrumentalist/vocalist/producer who loves rock music and is crazy about music in general. Also, is crazy - in general.
Age 35
Joined on 1/28/05
I shall wear my flanell with yet greater pride this day :(
Next year.
It just occured to me, that I haven't reviewed your album "Besides" yet, so here goes:
Deserted Earth is quite good, I really felt that the content matched the title. I think It's better than Walls of Berlin for an opener.
I didn't like Ism very much, mainly because I couldn't understand the vocals at all and there wasn't any guitar.
Paramedics Arrive! was great, really your style, nice guitar and vocals. Basically a good song. But I would appreciate it very much if you posted the lyrics, 'cause I can't quite understand all of it.
Hello, Goodbye was... just awesome. I liked it before, and the new version is great too. To me - best song of the album.
Also, thanks a lot for introducing me to The Dresden Dolls. You' re right, Yes, Virginia is absolutely great and Delilah is one of the best song I've ever heard. Thank you.
Hey thanks for the review, I didn't notice this before! Glad you liked it! I agree with you on Ism, although most of the instruments are actually guitars but played through weird effects. I don't like that song too much myself. Glad you liked Hello Goodbye, I'm considering including a plugged version of it on my next release. The Dresden Dolls is a wonderful band, I hope they'll reunite to make new music. Paramedics Arrive! is a bit weird stream of consciousness I wrote once after an even weirder conversation with a strange person but here they are (if I remember them right):
Pins & needles, little leeches, pictures in pieces
and on the background the Beatles
A one-man ball over in overall
Grains of a skull and bloody brains over the walls
A stain can be wiped away, and death can't be delayed
Some memory traces may remain
Better pretend it never even took place
Put a smile on your face, baby
The paramedics arrive!
"Oh, wow, this house, it looks so much bigger from the inside than outside!"
"Oh, another suicide... Little girl why are you crying? Let's see a smile!"
Death doesn't come early, death comes on time
Father wanted to go, it wasn't him to decide
God pulled the trigger, look on the bright side
Don't look so bitter, you've got a place to get high!
...You should paint the walls blue,
Invite your friends over and have a good time too!
Goddamn this place looks bigger on the inside
The paramedics arrive!
"Oh, wow, this house, it looks so much bigger from the inside than outside!"
"Oh, another suicide... Little girl why are you crying? Let's see a smile!"
The paramedics arrive!
"Oh, wow, this house, it looks so much bigger from the inside than outside!"
"Oh, another suicide... Little girl why are you crying? Let's see a smile!"
Age is numbers girl
You've got the whole world
You think you ain't ready for this?
Yes you are, capice!?
Fuck yeah. \m/