Musician - multi-instrumentalist/vocalist/producer who loves rock music and is crazy about music in general. Also, is crazy - in general.

Faggot Sapiens @ShanZE

Age 35




Joined on 1/28/05

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ShanZE's News

Posted by ShanZE - December 20th, 2021

I took a long time to smoke a real big cigarette but I'm back now. I had a dream about posting music here and it kept circling in my head the whole morning and so I decided that it must be my destiny to do it. So I did. Check "On/Off". I intend to pick up where I left off and frankly I have quite a huge back catalog of music I've left unreleased through the years.

Also, I have released music. Check out my band VOID CRUISER, I sing and played guitar on the first two albums "Overstaying my Welcome" and "Wayfarer". A third album is on the way, nowadays I am 'just' the singer of the band. Stoner metal/grunge type of thing, you'll love it.

Good to B BAKK!



Posted by ShanZE - April 17th, 2012

Hello NG! What's up with me?

I got engaged and moved to a new place! And broke up right after...

I also cut my dreadlocks off.

The band I kept talking about as "Doghouse" exists nowadays, we're called Sunmass. We have a song called "White Door" on myspace. We have another demo on soundcloud, it's called "Refill You". This new NG is all weird but I guess it's pretty good. I don't even know if anyone's using this anymore!

- Santeri

Posted by ShanZE - December 10th, 2011

But this fucker didn't let me! I don't know why :S

Well, now you can imagine you're hearing it.

It's called Utopia.

I'll try to upload it again someday.

I tried to upload a new song

Posted by ShanZE - October 16th, 2011

Listen to this funny shit we recorded with a friend a while back. The whole album was written and recorded in one day.

Here it is, motherfuckers.

Posted by ShanZE - June 15th, 2011

Posted by ShanZE - June 6th, 2011

A previously unreleased track called "Her Feet Above the Ground" will be on it! We're talking about a free download-only album.

Here's a trailer of the album
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Htb5Thn XdbE

You should check it out! Lots of other cool music there too.

Posted by ShanZE - April 5th, 2011

R.I.P. Kurt Cobain

R.I.P. Layne Staley

Posted by ShanZE - March 18th, 2011

I've been having a fucking flu for the whole winterand last week it got worse so I stayed home the whole week. I was having some problems with my throat and lungs too and I lost my voice and now I'm trying to find it again with no good results so far.

Instrumentals for 4 songs out of 5 for the new Bad Samaritan demo have been recorded and I've been trying to lay down vocals for them every now and then but it just sounds fucking horrible, I don't know why. My vocal range suddenly dropped a full octave, what the hell. My vox suddenly sound completely fucking powerless. And when I try to sing the songs of the new album, the only one I can nail perfectly is "Fuck Me". I want to record so badly but I guess I'll have to recover and rehearse instead. And it depresses me 'cause it's fucking boring and time goes wasting.

I got something done at least: the design of the booklet for the new album. Now I'll need to get the back cover done and then I can send it to print. Which costs more than I can pay now. Fucking fuck-a-doodle-doo.

We have a gig coming up on 17th of May.

The tracklist for our demo:
Final Stage of Evolution
Back Alive
If a Man Can't Dance
Destination Nowhere

I wrote the best song I've ever written, "Shook Hands" a while ago. We'll rehearse it with the band sometime. That was just before my writer's block and high fever.

After the Bad Sam' demo, the next thing I want to record is a pissed-off arse-kicking very-heavy mother-fucking Faggot Sapiens EP where I'll try to hone my production skills and concentrate on the execution of individual songs better than I did on the album. Probably 4-6 songs. Discarded the original idea of including a new EP with the CD version of "Relationshit", it would cost too much and just become too difficult to get done right now the way I meant it to happen. List of possible titles to be included:

Hole to Fill
Revival of Tomorrow
Rebels Without Weapons
Officer Down
The Black Cat
Acid Face
Thumbs Up
Strike My Nerve
Her Feet Above the Ground

I've been writing songs in finnish too, lately. If you liked "Jeesus" you might enjoy some of these titles. I'll record some of these as a collaboration with a good friend of mine who I used to play in a band with. Probably some weird groovy Tom Waits type of stuff. Here's a list of those songs (the titles are pretty depressing but the songs are actually filled with dark humor):

Noidankehä (Vicious Circle)
Maailmanloppu (The End of the World) <- this is probably the best one of these
Elämä Ei Jatku (Life Doesn't Go On)
Arjen Antisankari (Everyday Anti-Hero)
Tavallinen Tilapäinen Äkillisestä Muutoksesta Johtuva Masennus (A Normal Temporary Depression that is Due to a Sudden Change)
Turha Pyyhkiä Persettä Enää kun on Paskat Housussa (No Use Wiping Your Ass When You've Already Crapped Your Pants)

Posted by ShanZE - February 23rd, 2011

The New Album is out!


DOWNLOAD FOR FREE! (just enter zero in the box)

...or pay what you want, if you have extra cash and feel like supporting your new favourite indie artist!

Better yet than paying for the album: spread the word! Download the songs and send them to your friends, share links to my new album on facebook, anything!

Reviews of the album also greatly appreciated, I think only one person of the 6 billion people on earth reviewed the last album, so my target amount of reviews is 2! Can I reach that? Up to you people! :D

For short updates and random stuff, follow me on Twitter

- s

It's out there

Posted by ShanZE - February 10th, 2011


It's an illusion
It's an illusion

Choose your path and do the aftermath
Suicide, afterlife, second try, do it right
Do it this time, this time it's do or die
Options surround us, seconds turn to hours
Stripped of the powers, defenses devoured
Here come the naked truth, naked me, naked you
I'm not blaming you for faking it to make it true
Nothing ever lasts - it's forgiven and forever in the past

Somewhere along the road of our good intentions
I'm afraid we forgot the original reasons
Can't make sense out of what is happening
I'll rest in the time machine... in the time machine...

It shall all be uncovered
The rotten teeth behind the smile
It shall all be uncovered

Sometimes I would give up all the pain
Sometimes I miss the comfort of ball and chain, yeah
But I'm addicted to this punishment
I'll rest in the time machine, in the time machine

It shall all be uncovered
It shall all be uncovered


The craziness of everything
This is the song they will sing, yeah
I am the sight that they're here to see
I'll rest in the time machine... in the time machine

It doesn't matter what kind of truth you're gonna tell
I see into yesterday, I can see it myself
It shall all be uncovered
It doesn't matter what kind of truth you're gonna tell